Digitized Aurorae

welcome!! I'm very new to this but this is my page!

Hi! I'm Erik,

He/Him, queer, also autistic

I'm currently a Physics undergrad, Astrophysics was my first love, but my true love is in nuclear physics (and if I'm being honest anything having to do with particles.) The only thing I don't have imposter sydrome about is having imposter syndrome :)

I do art ocassionally. I work with historical documents and plan to share some of my more interesting finds once I get things running :) I'm currently learning python, html (you'll never guess for what), and blender. I want to try to learn fortran once I'm familiar with programming generally.
I'm also into old technology, retro design and fashion, as well as modern era art, history, and art history. Also comics! I've been reading alpha flight recently and have been keeping up with the jojolands.

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